
Did you know? #4

25 things 

I cry so so easily. Youtube videos, commercials, books, anything about weddings or having babies, most movies I've seen... And not just watery eyes, but legitimately crying, tears streaming down my face and nose running... The whole nine yards! Here's some recent ones that have had me bawling:

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  1. I am totally with you on the engagement kitten video! I saw it & wanted to cry/hug somebody/kiss my dog all at the same time haha

    Its my dream proposal :)

  2. awe! i cry easily as well!

  3. I'm the total opposite. The ONLY thing that makes me cry is getting yelled at. All of these videos were super cute! I love the first one so much!!

  4. That kitten vid is a killer. So corny, yet I'm all watery-eyed.

  5. I must cry easily too. Cause these all had me totally teary.

  6. Okay, I skipped the videos because I'm the same way!

    I still get made fun of by my husband when Sarah Mclachlan - In The Arms Of An Angel plays because I confessed that one night I cried my eyes out during this commercial while he was at work:


  7. I definitely cried over "Dear Sophie"...it hit me on a very personal level. Thanks for sharing. :o)


  8. First two had me sobbing!! Awwww :(

  9. I sometimes cry for no reason, but I feel so much better afterwards.

  10. ohman that dear sophie video got me too. caught it on tv one night and by the time it was half way through i was bawling hahaha

  11. haha, i cry so easily from watching tv that i often get embarrassed about it. it may even be one of my trademarks. it is good to know i am not alone!

  12. Oh my god! My friend and I were JUST talking about this! A girl we didn't even work with very often left the company today and we almost cried listening to her say goodbye to people! And I cried during the fancy cat commercial too. I am such a cry baby!

  13. Oh gad, I had just weeped at these vids!!

    I can totally sympathise you, i do cry easily as well!

    Thanks for sharing


  14. I'm not too bad with commercials (but there was that Folgers one where the brother surprises everyone by coming home for Christmas), but I'm a sucka for just about everything else! Songs & movies especially.

  15. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that cries at commercials. The tissue commercial with the zookeeper who's sick and the animals bring him soup gets me everytime!

    I'm your newest follower! :)


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