Well hey there! I think it's pretty obvious that I took a step back from the blog world for the last few months, but I'm definitely feeling refreshed and ready to start sharing again, and what better way to start off than with a post about one of the most exciting things ever... I'm engaged!
After six years of dating, Chris finally popped the question a few weeks ago on my birthday. I was totally surprised, which is a really hard thing to do (I'm notorious for figuring out surprises). My birthday was June 16th, and for about a month leading up to my birthday I was sure that he was going to propose. We had spent our sixth anniversary on a family trip in Mexico back in January, and we came very close to getting engaged then, but we decided to wait since Chris didn't have my ring with him. So ever since January I've been (not so) patiently waiting for the day to come. I was convinced he'd do it for my birthday, he kept dropping little hints that made me believe I was right. But for the week or two right before my birthday I started to second guess myself. He said things about how I shouldn't be expecting much for my birthday, money was tight, blah blah blah. It got to the point that two days before my birthday I texted my sister and Kaelah in a total freak out 'I'm getting old and I'll never be married' kinda way. Turning 27 was a little hard, haha.
Anyway, at about 10 pm the night before my birthday he asked me if I wanted to open my gift early or not. I wasn't too anxious to open it, but I said yes. He told me he had his stepmom wrap it and he had to grab it from her house (right next door). He left to get it and to get some ice for the margaritas we were having since our ice maker is broken. I didn't think much about him being gone for a little while. When he came back he set down a big box in front of me, and I waited until midnight to open it.
Inside the big box was a smaller box, which threw me off a little bit. When I opened that, I was stunned to see that he bought me an iPad Mini! It was such an awesome idea, something I totally love but I never would have thought to get one for myself. Chris works at Apple and has a mini of his own, but I never considered getting one. I was floored, I couldn't believe he pulled that off, or that he got me such a nice gift after days of telling me he only got a few little things. After a few minutes the shock wore off and I asked him if I should take of the plastic wrap and start setting it up. He said sure, he'd help me get it going. I took off the plastic on the front, flipped it over, and started peeling the plastic off the back, and then I saw it...

He'd inscribed it with those four little words, "Will you marry me?". In my shock I dropped the iPad on the floor (oops!), and rather than tearing up and saying yes right away, apparently I called him a not-so-nice-but-kinda-funny word and told him to shut up repeatedly. Classy, I know. After I read it again, I looked up and he was holding out the ring box. He was laughing at me hysterically the whole time, and didn't even get to properly ask me, I just said yes and let him put the ring on! I'll admit, it's not the reaction I was hoping I would have, I always expected to cry and have an emotional experience, but it was very "us". I don't think it could have gone any better :)
My ring is a family heirloom, which I am so honored to wear. His grandfather was a jeweler in Chicago, and after he passed Chris's mom held on to his leftover settings and stones, and Chris got to choose one he liked best for me. The setting has a matching wedding band, and his grandpa designed and cast them both himself. The stone is a champagne diamond, which is so unique and pretty! I need ti get it sized, right now I have a temporary spacer thing on it (which is what you can see in the photo above). I love having something that's a little different, a little vintage, and a lot sentimental. He did such a good job with the whole thing, and I'm so beyond thrilled to be engaged to him.
We don't have a date in mind yet, we have a lot to chat about before we can pin anything down, but we're thinking late summer or early fall of 2014. It's crazy that people ask that instantly, literally the next day when started telling people that's the first thing they'd ask. It hadn't even been 24 hours-- hell, not even 12 yet-- and people we're honestly asking for a date. Sheesh! I am really excited to start planning though, and I'm sure I'll keep you guys updated with how things shake out.
So there's my big news! Not too bad for my first post in nearly four months, huh?? I hope you've all been doing well, and thank you for sticking around here :) Also, I don't fully understand what's going on with GFC soon but feel free to follow my blog on bloglovin' if that's your thing (or wherever else you choose!).