Since hitting that pretty big milestone of 1000 followers the other day, I've been thinking a lot about this whole blogging thing. I truly never thought I'd have a blog that people were into, and I'm still sort of shocked that that number has grown as it has. Here's why this is weird to me... I don't feel like I fit in with most of the bloggers I know. I read a fairly substantial group of blogs, most of which you probably know, and I don't feel like I have much in common with them. Sure, I love thrifting and vintage dresses, but as a person I feel like the odd one out most of the time. A big difference between me and (what seems like) everyone else is that I'm not an overly positive person. It seems like most of the bloggers I read are besties with positivity. Yeah, not me. I have plenty of crap days. I'm a happy person, but I'm also realistic. If I have a bad day, I don't want to force myself to look at the positive side. Sometimes I want to be pissed off and yell and cry and feel sorry for myself. Sometimes that feels a hell of a lot better than deluding myself into positivity. Now, I'm not saying anything is wrong with those lovely ladies who are good at finding the positive side to a shitty situation. In fact, I admire them. I just don't know how to do it. And frankly, it's not in my character to be that kind of person. If it works for you, that's awesome. But I say if you're having a bad day, own it. Go through all those negative emotions and the crankiness and bummer attitude. I think the key to remaining sane and rational is knowing when to be done with it, but as long as you can figure that part out I say roll with the negative. Being positive is great, but don't deny your feelings if you don't want to.
Here's another thing: I don't like everybody. There are some bloggers out there who honestly make me mad. The smugness and superiority complex that blogging can induce is outrageous. There's really only one personal run-in I've had where someone was completely and totally ass-hatish to me, but there are plenty of other bloggers who just rub me the wrong way. And there's nothing wrong with that. Just because we're all bloggers doesn't mean we have to all get along. It can become troublesome if you can't let that go, or you can't keep it to yourself, but I don't like feeling pressured to like everyone. Maybe I'm creating that pressure for myself, but I feel like it's there, and I'm not too into it. I've been trying to come up with some clever analogy for what blogging is like and why it's ok to not like everyone, but nothing is working... The closest I got is that blogging is like a mall, you don't have to shop everywhere.... That sorta works, right?
Then the next thing that I've been pondering is, like, what the hell do people even blog about?? I seriously ask myself this multiple times a week. I think it's because I've been in a rut, I've really only been taking awkward blurry shots of the clothes I wear and writing a little blurb about them. I feel sort of disconnected from this space, mostly because I haven't had the time or coherence to sit down and actually write. Like I'm doing now. So maybe this one will go away soon! I sometimes feel like I don't have much to offer in terms of content though, and that's something I'd like to fix. But I don't do anything exciting, I work a lame job and come home and sit on the couch and watch Netflix with my boyfriend. Sometimes I dress up. Sometimes I make stuff. Usually my day-to-day is pretty boring though. So I find myself struggling to come up with stuff to write about, but that's dumb because this whole thing is supposed to be about my life, even if my life is pretty routine. I really like writing these posts though, so if I can get over the anxiety of writing (and sometimes posting) them, then that'll give me something real to share. Don't hold it against me when I do an outfit post though, because sometimes a girl's gotta show off a cute dress...!
The other thing is that I suck at a lot of the stuff that seems to be necessary to bloggers. I don't "network", and I DO NOT do well with deadlines. I don't talk to people very much, because I'm an awkward and fairly shy person. I'd love to meet people and develop closer relationships with some of them, but making the first move is terrifying. I do my best on Twitter, but even then I keep quiet most of the time. I don't know what it is, because as a blogger I feel like I should be chatty and I should want to talk and connect with people. Which I do, I just can't muster the cajones to do it. Plus I'm easily distracted. Gimme some yarn and a TV and I can zone out for hours. Not a good recipe for getting to know people. I also can't get things done in a timely fashion to save my life. Emails that need replying to often get lost, or things that I'm supposed to do get forgotten. It's a problem that has hounded me my whole life, homework was always done last minute, and important things were too easily forgotten or misplaced. But now I don't have the fear of consequence looming over my head (I was a goody-two-shoes who never wanted to upset the teacher, so I would squeak by at the last minute. And I got really good at forging my dad's signature...). With this blogging life o' mine, it's all on me. And I am a very irresponsible adult. So to all of you who have emailed me and I never wrote you back, or if I forgot about something I said I'd do for you, I'm sorry. Also, if you were thinking of suggesting a planner or schedule of some sort, I've already tried every possible option. The thing about planners is that you have to remember to use them... And I don't do that.
I think those are the big bullet points I've had rolling around in my head for the last couple of weeks. I don't really have any solutions or even game-plan for dealing with any of that, but it was nice to get it out there. I don't even feel like I have a definitive thing to say about these ideas, they're just sort of there... And, truthfully, I don't really feel like I need to change any of it. I am this person, and I can make myself the best me I can, but I don't wanna change myself to do it. I'm cranky, shy, and chronically late and forgetful, but that's me! And I'm cool with that.
What I hope to accomplish with this post (and the others that have come before it), is to maybe make you feel a little less alone. Maybe you feel something of the stuff I feel, but you don't see many people talking about it. Now you know that I feel that way too. Or maybe you think I'm full of crap, which is cool too! I'm off to bed, now, so goodnight, and thanks for listening.

One of the main reasons I've put off starting a blog is the reasons you listed: I'm worried about it being mostly my negative bitching, I don't do much day to day, I have no idea what to talk about, I'm shy (even online), and I procrastinate like it's my job. It's nice knowing there's a successful blogger out there who struggles with what's holding me back. Maybe this will motivate me to start a blog soon...
I think most bloggers from every level of 'success' out there feel this way, or some variation of it, but I think a lot of people feel pressured to not share it. It's been kind of a blessing and curse for me, if I compare myself to those who seem to "get it", I feel like I'm lacking, but then I can write a post like this and find people like you who feel the same way... I get more out of the latter, so it works out for me. I hope you do start a blog, it can be really amazing if you don't let it get you down at all :) And please share it with me if you do!
DeleteI really like this post. I had another blog for about three years and it started out as me just talking nonsense really until I started reading more blogs and people were finding mine and leaving comments. It became a responsibility, if I wrote aboutsomething negative people would leave the weirdest comments and Sonia did that less and less and it ended up being unsustainable as it was a bit halfhearted.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you admitted to being an irresponsible adult as i am awwwwwful!!!! I lose emails, or forget them and make ridiculous excuses or just hope if I stay quiet they'll forget about it. It's awful. I literally have to set a reminder in my phone for everything!!
Glad I found your blog, was following you on twitter for a little while but never clicked over before.
Who's Sonia?! Haha stupid iPhone think it should say 'so I did that less and less'
ReplyDeleteLol @ the autocorrect :) I'm so irresponsible it's silly. I'm like naturally repellent of deadlines/due dates/schedules... I totally make up excuses or avoid the situation too! You're not alone!!
DeleteHi Susannah! I just read your post and I can definitely relate to the whole "trying to figure out what to write/thinking of ideas to write about" thing. I've got 20 odd posts on my blog, but they aren't frequent and most were written when I was with my now ex. But I have ALOT of trouble trying to think of what to write and whether it will make any sense. I would love to keep a regular routine of posting too.
ReplyDeleteI follow a stack of blogs, but not many follow mine, and I think that has something to do with lack of blogging frequently. Some of the blogs I follow are very DIY which I love, but I honestly don't have a creative bone in my body and I hate it.
So if you have any tips, on anything at all, please let me know!
Miss Sometimes
I think that being open and honest about who you are is key, people want to connect with someone through their blog, and you don't want to falsify who you are just to gain followers or whatever because they won't stick around if you do. Commenting on other people's blogs is a great way to get out there and get acclimated to the blogging world, but I like tto moment when I have something worthwhile to say... Just keep at it, they'll show up eventually :)
Deleteyou know what, i totally agree, and to be honest, that is why i have just made my blog friends only. i got sick of caring about what other main stream bloggers are doing.
go you good thing anyway, you're gorgeous and awesome, and real, unlike a lot of bloggers.
It's hard to not compare yourself to everyone else, but when that happens you forget how personal your blog should be. I think keeping yours friends only is a good idea! And then you aren't concerned with all te trivial stuff. Thanks for your sweet words!!
DeleteI think your appeal is that you ARE honest and not all fake cheery and positive. There are some big bloggers that totally rub me the wrong way because they seem so fake--it's like everything in their life is perfect and all they do is wear vintage, eat cupcakes, and easily manage a cute shop. I'm sure it's not true at all--I have my own business and it's a pain in the ass! I mean, I love it, but sometimes it SUCKS.
ReplyDeleteHonesty and some negative feelings are refreshing in the blog world. I mean, I wouldn't want to read a blog that's always angry and depressing, but I want to know the blog is written by someone REAL and not just a "brand".
I feel kind of out of place in the blog world too--I'm not sure where I fit in. I'm not a fashion blogger (lucky if I actually get dressed in real clothes most days), vintage doesn't look good on me (I have no waist or boobs); I do crafty things, but nothing unique or original; I can't afford to have cool hair (and my clients might be put off); it's like... what do I do? I haven't found my niche, my blog is just kind of a conglomeration of my life, which is fine, but I feel like the "popular" blogs are more focused.
Don't know what to do about it, and it's frustrating!
You're right, being able to draw the line with the "realness" is key, I don't trow every detail or all the ups and downs out there for everyone to see, but I don't try to make my life seem like something it's not. So glad I have you guys to talk about this stuff with! As far as finding your niche, to me it isn't hugely important. I don't feel like I fit into a niche, I just write about whatever comes to mind. I think if you're honest and pleasant people will be into it!
DeleteTotally on the same page at every point!
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me know that it's okay to not like some bloggers out there, just like people in the real life. I (stupidly) hadn't really thought of it like that, and I just felt like a bad person when a blogger rubs me the wrong way, especially when they're super popular.
I think sometimes we expect that we can just generate and churn out content like magazines. You come across as someone who thinks a lot and someone who is a real person and easy to relate to and that's really refreshing. I really enjoy your posts when they pop up in my reader. I hope blogging continues to be something fun for you and you can push past the lesser aspects (bullet points) of it.
I feel like by reading this post I can breathe a sigh of relief myself! :D
Ahh I'm so glad you can relate and create a sigh of relief! It really can be frustrating to feel like you have to like very one and be into all the same stuff everyone else is. Not true! I figure as long as I'm not a jerk about it it's totally fine! I gripe to my boyfriend or my friends about it, but that's it. I try to not spend too much time not liking people because it doesn't do me any good, but I don't try to force myself to like very one either. As far as content goes, this is why I almost never have posts scheduled ahead of time, I blog about things that have happened and I think are cool. Some people can churn out content and be ahead of time with it, but that's not me. Doesn't mean I'm doing anythig wrong! That's a new realization for me :) Thanks for your comment xoxo
DeleteSusannah, it is as if you are blogging from my brain. This is exactly how I have been feeling recently. Especially the part about having no interesting content because your daily life is work, home, sleep, work, home, sleep. I just wrote a post about how my daily life is less than bloggable.
ReplyDeleteThank you for being so open and honest about the reality of your life. I think the best part of blogging is being able to connect with other bloggers on the similarities of life.
I feel the same way sometimes, more recently I haven't even been inspired to 'blog' but I wouldn't even consider my site to be that. I like to make stuff and share that in a picture-blog kinda way, but I haven't really figured 'it' out. I try not to let this stuff get to me, though it makes me wonder how the hell everyone (popular bloggers) keeps up. I have a full time job and maybe 2-3 hours after work to even think about anything - do these people not work?! It's mind-boggling, how do you have the energy?
ReplyDeleteDon't try to force it, I've been doing good without the distractions and I think it works. No need to compromise who you are :)
I agree with much of what you wrote. I fear and love my blog... but I find myself hinging on the worry that no one reads it. Isn't a blog supposed to be for ourselves? Well, of course, but wouldn't it be nice if other people read it, too? So I often wonder what I could do to make it more interesting and generate more readers... but I find myself at a loss. I'm just me, after all!
ReplyDeleteThis is such an honest post! It's so great to see this post & all it's comments because it reaffirms that I am not alone in thinking that blogging is some insane yet awesome balance of 'why do these people care?' and 'I am going to share this with the world!' We all just try to carve out our space in the world & to realize we aren't alone.
ReplyDeleteusually I pop by blogs & look at the pictures...I rarely read a whole I feel like why do I ever write if ppl do the same thing?!?!
I am so happy that twitter allows us a way to interact with bloggers we like on a personal yet sort of distant level. Jealousy is a problem I face a lot when blogging because I don't know how these ppl do it!!
You are doing a great job! You blog sincerely & honestly & that's what i lurve about it!!
Happy Wednesday miss!
oh girl, I totally got you on that.
ReplyDeleteI always think of my blog as something personal, I don't write for other people, I don't only write when I am happy... and there is also not much going on in my life right now... haha.
I love your blog, because you are honest und just you!!!
keep on.
wow this is so great.. i SO get you (:
ReplyDeleteThis post makes me love your blog SOO much more! I am the same way. I have started blogging about tv shows and books I have read because I do nothing else. I work then go home, cook dinner, watch tv with my man, then I go to bed. Seriously the only time I do anything is the weekend, and that is usually going shopping or playing with my sister. I am glad to know that other bloggers have the same problems that I do. Thanks for being such an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteIt's really hard to not get caught up in the whole "where do I fit in with all the other bloggers"-business, because there definitely is some "tough competition" out there and compete is the LAST thing I want to do when I blog.
ReplyDeleteBut inevitably, we're thrown into the mix of people and have to find our place - even if we don't want to.
There are definitely bloggers out there that annoy the cr*p out of me with the superiority complex, but maybe that is just a false interpretation of the situation. For someone, who tries so hard to be "friendly" with everyone, it's hard to realize: there are people who don't like you and you don't like them and that's ok.
(Well, not in my perfect world... so it's an ongoing process.)
All this to say, you're not alone with your feelings. Keep blogging! :)
ReplyDeleteI know we don't really know each other personally, I just know you via Amy and Kaelah, so I hope this isn't too crazy random. But dude, you just wrote EVERYTHING that I was talking to my husband about last night!
I don't have a blog because my day-to-day is JUST like yours, work too many hours and come home and chill/veg with the boy. And I'm not all sparkles and I don't even like cats! [Sorry to all you cat lovers out there, no offense! We had a mean kitten when I was 6!]
Anyways, not much to say I guess, but I totally feel the same. You rock and I really like you because you're NOT fake! <3
-Elise [from Blowfish]
Hey girl! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! I'm so glad so many people are on the same page as me with all of this! There are plenty of people out there who can make it work with a full time job and a successful blog, but I can't figure it out. I always feel like I'm behind or rushing... But I try to not get stressed about it! Anyway, thanks for reaching out! You've been one of the girlies who I want to get to know but I'm too awkward to figure out where to start :) So thanks, haha!
DeleteYou're awesome. Just keep being you and write about it when you want. Don't do anything that doesn't make YOU happy.
ReplyDeleteHey Susannah! I've been reading your blog for awhile but I've never commented before until now.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say I'm sure a lot of people are struggling with just what you are, but none of them want to say it. People have this perception that ranting or posting about a bad day in their blog will be bad for business, but it just isn't true.
Sure, being positive is great, but you shouldn't have to edit yourself to please everyone else. It is YOUR blog, people are interested in your thoughts and ideas, after all. For better or worse, and so on and so forth.
Before this comment becomes miles long, I want to say your other points resonate with me and it seems like everyone else who has put their two cents in on this post. Blogging is a community, and people in communities don't always get along, no one ought to expect them to. Networking is NICE, but for someone who is apparently not the queen of it, you seem to be doing pretty well so far!
Try to remember how far you've come just by being who you are and congrats on the 1000 followers!:)
I really, really, really like this post. And you :)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I haven't got nearly as many blog followers as you, I can definitely relate to the issue of not knowing what to post about. I always feel a pressure to do a fun upbeat post so that anyone new coming to my blog likes the look of it instantly. It means I sometimes don't post about what's going on in my HEAD, and settle for posting some pictures that look pretty but aren't really what I was aiming for when I started my blog.
ReplyDeleteClearly you're doing something right, to have got over 1000 followers! It's quite nice to know that even bloggers with as much of a following as you have can still feel the same about the blogging world as someone with as small a blog as mine =]
I like your blog because it does sort of go against the trend of some of the other blogs out there. I recently created a new e-mail address and when it came time to move over blogs onto my google reader, I realized I needed a refresh. So I got rid of a bunch of the blogs I read because honestly... they kind of bugged me. If you have a shitty day, I think you should be able to write about it, yknow?
ReplyDeleteI am always interested in reading about other people's feelings about blogging. I not only love blogging but I love the whole thought process behind it. Why people blog, how they decide what to write about, etc. I feel like I am almost always positive on my blog but I'm also the type of person who likes to talk about the crappy stuff with basically just Ivan (poor guy!). I hate repeating myself! That doesn't mean that I will instantly hate a blog where someone writes about their crappy day. I definitely have crappy days too! And like you, sometimes I just let myself feel rotten. Ya, somedays I try to cheer myself up but other times I just roll with it and know that it will pass. I usually choose not to blog about my bad days but that is my personal choice and not a reflection of what I think every blogger should do.
ReplyDeleteThe great thing about blogging is that it is your own space to write about whatever you choose. I think people need to try not to feel pressured to post about certain things or not post about certain things just because "successful" bloggers do or don't do it. I do definitely understand why people feel this pressure to only post about sunshine and rainbows coming out of their butt but everyone is different and also there are all kinds of people out there who enjoy reading all kinds of blogs.
Oh geeze, I could write more but I have some dishes that need to be washed so I better stop!
I love reading honest blogs! I, also, love reading blogs from friendly people who are open and who don't come off as fake. Nobody's life is perfect and to pretend it is is something I don't get.
ReplyDeleteI don't really have any readers outside of my friends/family and I still pretty much feel exactly like you. After stressing way too much I decided to update when I felt like it and to post whatever it is I had on my mind and not worry about what anyone else thought. Honestly, it's not always easy. I blog for myself but knowing someone can and may read it changes the way I write no matter how I try differently. I think we all do.
There have been many of times I've tried to follow someone because of good word of mouth and then ended up feeling like something is wrong with me because I didn't get that connected feeling afterwards. Or I feel silly after commenting wondering if the blog owner will think I'm a creeper or something.
I read blogs to feel connected, inspired and not completely alone in things. Your blog makes me feel that way. So thank you for being YOU and Congratulations!
I know exactly what you mean and I love what you wrote here. I don't post as often as I feel like I should but sometimes I'm having a bad day and just have nothing remotely positive/interesting to say and I feel like people will hate me if I go on about something that someone doesn't agree with. I personally like to read posts when people are ranting or being extremely honest about how they feel about something like you did here, these are probably my favorite type of posts to read. I know it takes a lot of courage to post entries like this because I go to and I always delete them, I'm afraid to share such personal thoughts. I'm pretty awkward in person when I first meet someone, if I end up really liking the person I can talk for hours but I don't want to socialize all the time - I find it REALLY draining. I too have come across a blogger or two who just rubs me the wrong way and gets on my nerves a little bit and I try really hard to be as nice as humanly possible but sometimes I just can't do it. I know in my blog I censor myself a lot, I feel insecure constantly, I'm convinced all the time that no one likes me, and it feels like a lot of pressure but at the same time I do enjoy blogging. I just wanted to say, thank you so much for posting this, I related to it so much. I don't feel like you should change a thing about your blog or who you are, you are lovely and a joy to read.
haha I loved this post. So much truth to it. I feel the same way about not liking everybody. I always want to rant about certain bitchy bloggers/annoying Blogworld stuff but I don't want to come off bitter blah blah.
ReplyDeleteI forgot what all I wanted to say now. But nice post.
Yes, yes, and yes. This post rules. I am the same way as you. I don't feed into the positivity thing all the time, it's just not who I am and that's okay. I don't try and spread myself thin trying to connect with everyone either. Congrats on your success, and showing the blogging world you don't need to fit into a certain mold to be successful!
ReplyDeleteI really loved reading this. A lot of the blogs I follow are mostly just picture after picture with a little bit of text... and they just basically write about what they ate that day or something. And obviously that's okay because if I'm following them I LIKE what they wear, what they're interested in, etc... but it's nice to read HONEST posts, you know? Things that don't sound like they were picked over and edited a thousand times because ze "blogger" wants to portray themselves a certain way.
ReplyDeleteI have a love/hate relationship with blawwwging... I don't even like that word: "blog". I wrote a quote from Simon Pegg in my "About Me" that really sums up how I feel about it:
There are things that I blog about that I truly feel are important and things I want others to read about... but it seems like the posts that get the most comments are like... outfit posts. WHICH IS FINE! Don't get me wrong. I love when anyone takes the time to comment. But when I pour my heart out about something really personal and no one bothers reading it, it's like... I don't know.
i've been reading blogs pretty religiously for about 2 years now, and this is the first post i've ever read that feels like i could be writing it 100% myself. most of the time i relate to something here or there, but this... this is me. i feel your 'pain' so to speak. i'm 23, starting this whole adult life thing, and all i want to do is have my mom call the doctor for me instead of doing it myself. why? lord knows, but i'm just trying to figure it all out and half the time it feels like i'm all alone with the things i do and how i do them. i live a drama free life, and it's exactly what i want. even if it might look boring to some, it's me and it's the way i want to live my life!!
ReplyDeletekeep being yourself!
Susannah! You're like my (taller, prettier) doppelganger. I literally could have written this post word for word.
ReplyDeleteI, and 1,012 others, obviously like who you are and what you're about. Don't doubt yourself!
PS, we're totally going to be glasses twinsies soon! Yay!
I love you so much ha!
ReplyDeleteWELL SAID x
ReplyDeleteGod, this is so good. My neck hurts from nodding in agreement while reading.
This was great to read. I'm not a blogger, yet, but what you said really made sense to me. That's why I put off blogging! I have a very routine life myself! I don't do much during the week, and not much during the weekend either, so I'm always thinking I'll have nothing to blog about!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, it's hard to feel connected to certain bloggers, because a lot of them have things in their life that I don't, and it's hard to relate to them. But I do know what you mean, and it's great to read a post about this. I'm shy myself, and I have yet to make a real friend with the blog world. Well, I have one friend, but I think you may have to have a blog to really have a blog friend? I guess that makes sense. I don't know, but I love what you said! You were very real and truthful, and that's what I love to read.
I hear you! :) Sometimes i feel like I shouldn't blog until I have something awesome to write about -- but like you said, my life is a pretty basic routine. Love what you've written, because I think honesty is what people are really looking for..kudos!
ReplyDeleteoh goodness. we have a lot in common it seems m'dear. i really loved reading this because a lot of what you said really resonates with me. i know what you mean about the bubbly, positive, everything-is-freaking-wonderful bloggers and sometimes i will find myself reading their blogs and sometimes i go on a long break from reading them as it makes me feel like MY life will never be as picture perfect as theirs. it's hard this blogging world...we all have our own things, our 'shticks' right and that's what makes it great. so don't feel like you HAVE to fit into the 'blog mold' cause if everyone was the same, then blog world would be pretty boring, wouldn't it? just be yourself...whoever that may be. obviously people really like you and feel a connection to you, or quite frankly, you wouldn't have a thousand followers. you're doing something right miss, whether you have a 'boring job' or your dream job, that doesn't really matter. i also just did a short post on originality and blogging and that...i love hearing others opinions on blogging too so thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteanyways, thank you for this. i'm a new reader and follower around here and i think you're really great.
This kinda made me want to hug you for writing this! Im not naturally positive either and Ive always felt it was kinda weird/fake of a lot of bloggers to be so dang posi all the time. I strive to keep my blog upbeat but its also my blog and my life and some days i just want to write that Im upset dangit....ok ill stop before i start to rant
ReplyDeleteI can completely relate to this. I think there is a very clear divide in blogging between those who just share the good parts of their lives and those who are actually honest. My housemate calls the former party "smug bloggers". I am always very very open on my blog and I've been called out for it. But heck, it's my blog! I have had a pretty rough year- 2011- and went through a nasty little break up, and I shared that with my readers. I showed the bad stuff. I showed the days when I just hated everything and I think in a lot of ways they appreciated that honesty. I sometimes feel a little detached from people who only share the good. Some bloggers say that your blog should always be positive because it's a place for people to get away from their own problems, but I disagree. I would much rather read a blog where I feel like the author has the same ups and downs that I do.
ReplyDeleteI really like your blog and I would rather get to know you as a person instead of this projection of who you should be, which is what a lot of bloggers do instead!
Charlotte x
I'm not a shy person at all, but I am SO bad at the whole social-networking thing too. I feel like it can be really stupid too haha. I mean, twitter is SO lame. But it feels almost necessary for bloggers lately...
ReplyDeleteKeep up this good writing! Glad you're speaking your mind. Your post inspired mine:
Thought you'd like to take a gander and see what a beautiful impact your voice can make.
This is such a great post, it's great to see bloggers I admire going through the same things I think about! Sometimes I feel so inspired by the blogs I read and other times I feel like the most boring person ever after reading! :) I really enjoy your outfit posts and I also like reading the day to day lives of my fave bloggers (like you!)--keep it up!