
Sponsor Love! - April

I know, I know, I'm a day late! We *just* finished moving in yesterday, and GOOOOODDDNESSSS it's overwhelming! There's stuff everywhere, and I'm hard at work getting everything organized. Right now I'm taking a little break to write this post, and maybe watch RuPaul's Drag Race :) So here are the ladies of April to introduce themselves!

I'm Tera from Tera Sue. I am an artist and crafter who loves pink, flowers, hearts and cutesy things, as well as horror, zombie and gore. I write about the everyday adventures of a quirky lady and post DIYs and photos of my artistic creations. I love new blog friends (they are the best kind for a socially awkward blogger) so stop by and leave a link to your blog!
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Hi and thanks for popping by. I am one for etiquette, so please let me introduce myself Mrs Rachel Cavill. I am quite proud to be Mrs C. As it shows someone in this world loves me and wants to share their life with me and my journey in life. It is funny I mention my journey, as Mr C continues to tell me that I should write a book about all the things I do in my life ‘The crafty life of a modern housewife’. My life is very on the go, however when asked at a party or hair appointment “So what have you been doing, lately” the reply is “nothing much”. Lie, all lies.
Hello! My name is Christine and I am a graphic designer and crafty lady living in Portland, Oregon. Flapper Girl is my line of handmade goods featuring adorable retro neck ties for women, vintage-inspired garlands, and other fabulous treasures. 
[shop] [blog]
Hey hey!!! My name is Mo and I'm a 20-something New Orleanian who works in the film industry. I'm a animal-lover (with 3 cats and 1 dog), bicycle commuter, food appreciator, and a women's college graduate. Come stop by my blog Fleur De Moi and share in my experience of adulthood puberty with me!
We think personal style is just another form of self-expression, and we make shoes for creative girls who can put together a look with effortless originality. Blowfish takes a break from the ordinary and a cue from the past. There’s something unexpected in every shoe we create, just as there’s something unexpected about every girl who wears them.
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My name's Amanda and I run a little old blog and shop called Salvaged Strawberry. I am a cardigan collector, vintage hoarder, cruiser-riding gal who lives and loves in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I like to write about my love for thrifting, my chunky pugs, and all of my adventures along the way!
[shop] [blog]

Hi there! I'm Alycia and I live in California with my husband and dogs Monty and Mabel. I'm a huge bookworm and I love patio gardening. I like to blog about life, crafts, and inspirations from around the web. Come by and say hi!
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  1. Woah! Weird to scroll through this post and randomly see someone I went to college with!

  2. Wow what great sponsors this month!! Love looking at their pages :)

    Steph at http://mycreativebrightside.blogspot.com

  3. I'm so so pleased I found your blog! Firstly it really is beautiful (if I think it why not post it here after all where else would I post it! I could email you I suppose but then no one else but you would know how strongly I felt!) and what wonderful sponsors- so thank you for introducing me to them too!


Hey there! Thanks so much for your comment! I read every one I get, and I try to reply as much as I can. You can also email me if you want! susannahbean AT gmail DOT com.

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