

I had to change around some stuff with my blog buttons, so if you've added my button to your blog please check that it's still there and that the links work. I'm not the most internet-savvy person, so I may not need to tell you guys about this at all, but it's better to be safe than sorry, right?!

Let me know if there's any trouble along the way. And if you haven't added my button yet, feel free! They're over there on the left, just copy the code under the picture you like and add it as an html gadget on your blog! Thanks lovelies!

Also, you should follow me on bloglovin'! Click here: Follow my blog with bloglovin


  1. button added (to http://www.mistyillusions.org/marysew/)

  2. Your button is still working fine on mine :]

  3. I love reading your blog, and I realized I hadn't added your button...until now! :)


Hey there! Thanks so much for your comment! I read every one I get, and I try to reply as much as I can. You can also email me if you want! susannahbean AT gmail DOT com.

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