
A little bit of a lot of stuff.

I've got a random assortment of things to tell you, so here's a bunch of photos of what I've been up to lately! Sorry if you've already seen these on Twitter!

Chris and I went to our favorite little diner in town and I snapped this super cute picture of him.

I've been eating these pears like crazy this week! Aren't they cute?!

Jeans was all up in my business the second I sat down to crochet.

My sister and her husband moved to Virginia for the next seven months, and I helped her pack up this weekend. She gave me all of her amazing vintage dishes that I have seriously coveted for the last few years! I am so so so excited about these!!

Chris and I came up with an awesome new meal- sticky rice and chicken with Thai peanut sauce! The first time we made it we also made these crispy green beans that we got, they weren't very good (they were coated in the same stuff that mozzarella sticks are coated in, not a good combo with Asian food!)

I bought this quilt last night that I've been dyyyying for! I could never find it at Target, but I happened to look online last night and they have it in the clearance section! I got it the king size for $20!!!!! If you love it, find it here.

I created my very own Tumblr! I still don't totally get it, but it's fun to figure it out as I go! Are you on Tumblr? Find me here, let's be friends!!

One last thing!! Kaelah is having her October Sponsor Giveaway on her blog, and you can win this cute little headband/earwarmer from my shop if you enter on her blog!!!

Click here to go to her blog to enter!!

Chris and I both have the day off tomorrow (which hasn't happened in sooooo long!) and hopefully we're going to make a trip to a pumpkin patch at some point!!!

I wanted to say a quick hello to my new followers! Thanks for being here!! If you wouldn't mind, I'd love it if you left a comment and introduced yourselves! And hey, even if you've been following me for a while, say hi if you haven't before!!

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  1. Well, I'm a new follower so I should introduce myself :) I'm Kenoshia. I saw your blog button on a few others that I read, and figured that I should check it out!

    I love those vintage dishes, and the headband/earwarmer is adorable! Have fun at the pumpkin patch.

  2. Hi! I'm Joanna and I'm a new follower :). I came here from Kaelah's blog and I followed because your style!

  3. Omg that rice and chicken dish looks delicious! I love Tai food, its so good!
    Also I'm following you on tumblr just to let you know. :)

    Little Sugar Monster

  4. Mmm, that new meal you guys have come up with looks delicious. And that quilt is lovely! Such a steal for $20.

    I just started following you on Tumblr and Last FM (hope you don't mind!). I'm Dear (your name here) and sheisthegun respectively. Oh, and I've been following for a while but hi anyway! I'm thinking I must've come across your blog through Kaelah as well.

  5. TWENTY DOLLARS? You got the best deal in town! How exciting :D

  6. I think I've said hello before, but I'm Teryn! I found your blog through Ashley's Under Those Neon Lights and I love it! All of your stuff is so cute!

  7. I got a duvet cover & shams in that same print from Target. Love it!

  8. Hello! We are both sponsoring Kaelah's blog so I had to check you out :) I'm a fellow blogger over at www.TeraSue.com and I love your knitted/crocheted crafts! I wish I could knit. But I crochet at a beginners level, I sew and paint/draw so that's something, right? Anyway, keep bloggin' and I will keep reading ;)

  9. These look great! I saw them on your Etsy! Love them.

  10. i have the matching pillow to that quilt! love target. and love your blog, i am the newest follower.


Hey there! Thanks so much for your comment! I read every one I get, and I try to reply as much as I can. You can also email me if you want! susannahbean AT gmail DOT com.

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