I've been a little lacking in my internet presence lately, but the upcoming holidays have put a little extra stress on me and I've been focusing on my family and relationship more. This has been a tough month personally, but we're all getting through it just fine :)
Monday I babysat my nephew so my sister and brother-in-law could go out for his birthday. It was the first time they've left him with someone, and I'm honored they chose me! It went perfectly easy, Emerson slept the entire time. I went out again yesterday to help out with the baby, and had my first spit-up experience. I got a lap full of puke, which was just... unpleasant. But that's baby-life for ya! My sister and I went out shopping later and had a really great time, it was nice to spend time with her without being totally focused on the baby (not that I don't love when we are!). We really felt like sisters last night, and it was so nice.

I also wanted to bring up sponsoring my blog in January! Spaces are starting to fill up more quickly now, and the XL spot is spoken for in January and February, but there are plenty of medium and small spots left! You can find out more info by clicking here.
Don't forget, I've got two giveaways running on my blog! The Featured Sponsor giveaway with CAPow! ends on the 20th, and the Big Bow Scarf giveaway ends in two days, so get your entries in quick!
I hope you're having a stress free (or at least nearly free!) holiday season!

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